Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra - How to use Screen Pinning to pin an App

Android 8 (Oreo)
Phone: Sony Xperia XA2 Ultra
Factory OS: Android 8 (Oreo)

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How to use Screen Pinning to pin an App

A useful feature of Android Lollipop is what’s called Screen Pinning. This allows you to lock your phone to one App. Perfect if you have a young child that you don’t want messing with your phone. Or if you want to lend your phone to someone to make a call, but make the call only.

To enable this go to Settings – Security – Screen pinning. Then go to the App you want to Pin and press the Multitask key. Then look at the most recent app and press the blue thumb tack icon in the bottom right corner.

To un-pin an App just press the Multitask key and the back key together.

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