Droidcon London is coming up

Looking for Tips and Tricks? They're here!
Posted by Bryan Hunter on 26th August 2011

For those Android enthusiasts out there, Europe’s biggest Android conference is just around the corner. Droidcon London 2011 exclusively covers Android development and applications and will take place on 6th-7th October 2011.

Droidcon London 2011 has grown tremendously since last year, in line with the exponential interest in the Android platform. This year, upward of 600 Android enthusiasts will rub shoulders with the premier experts in the field to dig into every aspect of Android and its ever-growing ecosystem. High on the agenda this time around are Android for the Tablet, Android in the Enterprise, Android for Games, Android for business, Augmented Reality, multi-mobile and a whole lot more.

The first day will be community led with a full-day Barcamp and Democamp. The second day will be conference day, with presentations from some of the world’s foremost Android experts, including two Google Developer Advocates for Android in Richard Hyndman and Nick Butcher, CommonsWare’s Mark Murphy (author of the Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development), Mustafa Isik aka CodeSurgeon and Yosi Taguri (programmer on the fantastic game, Ahhh-Pah) with many more top class speakers still to be anounced. Information on all speakers can be found on Droidcon’s speakers page.

You can register via the Droidcon London 2011 site:
Follow on Twitter: @DroidconUK tags: #droidconUK #droidcon
Follow on Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/groups/droidconuk/


Written by: Bryan Hunter
Bryan is the founder of Phone Tips and Tricks which provides hundreds of tips, tricks and guides for smartphone users. While he isn't updating the website and blogging about phone related news, he will usually be found tinkering on his own wonder gadget.

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