Huddle iPhone App Review

Looking for Tips and Tricks? They're here!
Posted by Bryan Hunter on 11th April 2012

Huddle has released an iPhone App for their massively popular collaboration service.

Huddle Collaboration

If you’re one of the few that hasn’t already come across Huddle, then we’re confident you will keep hearing about it after reading this review. Huddle is now the world’s leading cloud-based collaboration platform and is used by over 100,000 businesses including 80% of fortune 500 companies and in the UK alone, 75% of the government departments use the service.

Huddle is superior in many ways to Microsoft’s Sharepoint, however it is still compatible with all Microsoft Office applications. Users can collaborate with other uses via their desktop, online or through Apps on their BlackBerry, iPhone, iPad or Android device.

With the new Huddle iPhone App, users get instant access to their own and their co-worker’s documents, project files, whiteboards, tasks and discussions.  The App also makes use of Huddle’s Intelligent Sync, which allows secure syncing of documents for offline viewing. This is especially useful if you travel by train or plane and might not always have a reliable 3G or WiFi connection. New tasks can also be created with a single tap, making your collaboration a seamless and straightforward process.

In order to get started, users simply create a ‘team’ by sending invitations to their co-workers via email. Team members can then join the associated “workspase”, download the App and begin sharing and working on documents.

Once part of a team, users can use a workspace whiteboard to post ideas, share images and send documents. As changes are made, other members can be notified of changes via email and version numbers are created automatically.

If you’re a mobile phone user who needs to collaborate securely and remotely with co-workers on projects of any size, then we recommend you check out Huddle’s offering. Huddle also provides apps for the iPad, BlackBerry and Android phones.

Start using Huddle today with a special 14 day free trial offer.


Written by: Bryan Hunter
Bryan is the founder of Phone Tips and Tricks which provides hundreds of tips, tricks and guides for smartphone users. While he isn't updating the website and blogging about phone related news, he will usually be found tinkering on his own wonder gadget.

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