Adsense Optimization

Everyone knows Google AdSense. Each webmaster had at least once in life, in any form, interaction with AdSense. And also, many know as a website monetization is much easier and thrive with Google AdSense (when it comes to programs CPC), and is by far the best affiliate program CPC.

But like everyone else, when you already have traffic to a website, you want to redeem the maximum profit from your visitor’s visualizations. Today we speak of AdSense optimization - how to redeem a higher CTR and a higher price per click. And we talk about things generally valid, that means you can have a more profitable website structure.

AdSense optimization tips:

Use 336 × 280 ad units.

It has been shown that most publishers for maximum profit out of AdSense, are using these ad sizes. The user has 4 titles in this block, and 4 Ad descriptions that easily tempts the visitor with more information.

Position these types of ads only where the visitors visual focus point is. Don’t place this advertisement in the header of the page, as long as your visitor watches a clip at the bottom of the page, as the ads will be in a totally different position of where your visitor is navigating.

The colors of an ad has to be integrated into the rest of the page

To be more exact, if you have a white background on your page and black text, don’t use an Ad Block. For example, black background and red text. This is one way of saying that something’s fishy on your page and 85% of the users that encountered such things, will leave the page within 50 seconds.

Use hyperlinks near the menu bar or at the end of your information paragraph

Try to integrate AdSense link units near menu bars or menu list, or at the end of your post, where a user is interested in seeking more information. Similarly, the color of this unit must be integrated in the page land scape.

Don’t use Google AdSense units with 468 × 60 dimension!

It was proven that this is the worst possible dimension and it has the lowest CTR.

Don’t saturate your page with Google AdSense!

If you suffocate your page with ads, it’s most likely that your visitor won’t click on anything and will leave your website immediately. At the end, your bounce rate will be bigger and bigger and the CTR rate will decrease in an accelerate mode. The exception is by using a dedicated, Google approved adsense platform which allows more than three ad slots per page. We have an article here should you wish to read a review:

Focus on what ads you really need to publish on a page and keep you’re hi pay per click rate

The more unproductive Google AdSense ads you publish, the less money you will make. Google AdSense principle is simple enough for everybody to understand: first ads have the higher payment ratio and the next ones smaller and smaller as the positions all ads have are bought by clients on a bidding principle: who pays more, comes on first

Don’t isolate your Ads units

Do not think that by separating Google ads unit by empty spaces, empty lines and so on, you will maximize gains (AdSense superficial optimization). Even if you tried before and it worked, all studies shown that in the next period of time, you will lose visitors.

Conclusion - how can you increase your click through rate (CTR) and cost per click

In the end, if you’ll find these information’s useful, try and implement them in your website, change the structure, change the principle, and test it again and again. There’s no perfect solution for all websites, but the principle is the same. Don’t be scared to fail, as AdSense optimization takes some time, but in the end, the satisfaction is hi. Keeping in mind all the information’s above and using them as a guide, you will notice in a very short period of time that the CTR rate will start with a constant increase rate

This website uses a system called Ezoic, which is the market leader in ad layout optimization. As we have seen such success with optimizing adsense, we have decided to share a number of short artitlces about how adsense works.

Please use the links below to learn more:

Google Adsense Revenue

Adsense Tips

How to Optimize Adsense

Adsense Alternative